
Monday, 27 January 2014

Focus on Your Dreams

Recently, busy has not been the word! Thinking back to my first post of the year regarding setting goals, I distinctly remembering how I set mine. One of which being to write more often! How the days seemed to whiz by, fading into a blur of life, work, family and other plans. Only until one finally seems to jump off and escape this merry-go-round of time, do we then realise time has passed us by too fast. Again, pondering the same post I mentioned a moment ago, I was also speaking about living in the now. Good thing at times like these, life can pass you by too quickly! Taking note, this being a perfect example…

I am pleased to say that I am back and ready to start focusing on my goals. Namely one very big one I set for myself and that is to concentrate more on my writing. And so, after much deliberation on recent events in my own life (some great ones like my mom’s wedding, and others not so great such as getting my heart broken by nearest and dearest people to me); I look ahead with anticipation to the task ahead of me. Instead of dwelling on the negative, I always choose positivity, and how I can use this to my advantage. One way I have managed this in the past, is to write – whether it is submerging myself in my novels, or expressing my feelings (whatever they may be at the time) in poetry. So look out for more on these later. I have updated my blog a bit to accommodate news and info on this, so I feel I am set and ready to go! :)

In other words, there is no time like the present! Now is the time to do what you dreamed of, been putting off or keep forgetting due to life getting in the way. It is time to make time for my passions in life, and you should do the same. One never knows when it is too late and today was your last. I encourage you all to keep persevering. We have all been blessed with certain gifts, and is up to us to develop and use these talents to make something of them, and so in turn, help others along the way. This year is to be the year that I start getting somewhere with my dreams to publish my work. What will you be doing and focusing on, to get ahead?

Friday, 17 January 2014

Guidelines for Relationships

After recently going through a bad break up a few months ago, I have learnt a few more things about relationships which are so important to focus on. The fact is, we never truly stop learning until the day we die, but it is in embracing life and grabbing hold of every opportunity to learn from it, that we really begin to grow and move on in life. As the old saying goes, we cannot move on if we keep re-reading the last chapter of our lives.

I always believe in taking the positive from every situation, even if the circumstances one goes through may be dreadful; it is better to take what you can learn from what you went through than to focus on the negative. The other day I was busy reading an article on the net and came across this brilliantly written and inspiring piece by another blogger. I thought to myself, wow indeed, these rules are very true to remember when in a relationship – no matter if you are a guy or a girl – and some very good advice. A lot of which I live by, but some I needed to be reminded of!

The focus here also is that my mom is to be married tomorrow, and I have been remembering what she always taught us about love. As in the words of the verse found in 1 Corinthians 13, it teaches us what love is all about, and that love never fails! I am so grateful that she taught us this, as there is so much brokenness in this world and people who miss the point when it comes to loving someone. For if you truly love them, you will be prepared to make it work and never give up until the very end. Nothing should stand in your way, because love can overcome any obstacle. So let’s give it all, working at our relationships diligently.

And so, I wish you all the best, always in all your relationships. May they flourish and grow. May you find happiness with the one you love and want to make a life with. Time waits for no-one, so grab that opportunity now to let the one you love know how you feel about them, before it is too late. One never knows what tomorrow may bring, and lose out on what may have been the best time of your life.

Here it is, just something I thought I would share with you all…

Twelve Boyfriend Rules
1. Always pick him up from the airport. Don’t drive by and pick him up. Be there when he comes down the stairs. Anyone who’s seen Love Actually knows how important this is.
2. Sometimes leaving him alone for a bit is the best love you can give.
3. Even if he says he doesn’t like flowers. Give them anyway.
4. No matter how annoying…ALWAYS say good things about his family. Even if he doesn’t. At least for the first year.
5. Cooking him dinner is the best gift you can give. Anything that shows you worked your butt off just for him.
6. Sometimes you don’t need to give any advice. Don’t ever say “well you should have…”. Just listen, support him and say “it’ll be ok”.
7. If he says he doesn’t want help. He doesn’t. He probably wants to impress you. Let him.
8. When in an argument don’t bring other people’s opinions into it. “My Mom thinks…”, “Dana at work thinks…”. They only “think”. They don’t “know”. This is YOUR relationship. Only you two know the whole story. Others don’t.
9. Ask what you can do in bed that would make him crazy. Even if he says there’s nothing…he has something.
10. If he has a favorite movie. Even if you don’t like it. Watch it with him a couple of times, and keep your negative opinions to yourself.
11. Celebrate his birthday. No matter what he says.
12. On second thought cooking BREAKFAST is the best thing you can do for him.

Monday, 13 January 2014

New Day, New Year, a New Perspective on Things

Well, the new year of 2014 has finally dawned upon us and the memories of Christmas and the Festive Season all gone by. What was only a few weeks ago, seems like a distant memory now. Some of you, like me, have recently returned from holiday and are back at work/school/studies and the like. And in true New Year traditions, we find ourselves looking behind us on the road from whence we came; but also ahead to what is before us.

Resolutions – always something most of us consider at this point in time. Have you thought about what you would like to achieve this year? I believe this is a very good tradition in that it allows us to re-evaluate our dreams, goals, and things we have and would still like to achieve going forward in our lives. However, let us not dwell too much on the past; we need to look at right now.

As my mom always taught us growing up, there are three times you go through in life: yesterday, today and tomorrow…

  • Yesterday is gone. It is over, and there is no going back. Time moves forward endlessly with a force unstoppable. So there is no point in reflecting too much on what was. Nothing anyone could possibly do will ever change that, and no amount of worrying and stressing on the past can change what was.
  • Tomorrow is uncertain. Who is really assured of a tomorrow? No-one knows for sure they will even live past today, so why worry and fret over future events which have not happened?
  • The only day one needs to truly focus on is today. It is the very moment we are in right now. All we have is the present, and it is in this very moment that one can make a change, live to the fullest and be the best you can be. Plan for what’s ahead, of course, but do not forget that one must leave the worry out of it!

Now is the time to grab hold of what you love, and what you want in your life. The perfect time may never come, and you could miss out on something amazing. So don't let it pass you by. Take the opportunity to tell the person you love how you feel, use the time you have to do what you have a passion for, plan that trip or read that book. Anything really you want to do, do it now! 

So, with this in mind, where have we come from this past year? Are there perhaps goals and dreams you perhaps did not accomplish last year? Do you feel like you failed? Don’t meditate on it. Remember you are blessed with another day, and it is a new year. It’s a new year to plan ahead and set new goals, or try again on old ones. You have been blessed with another chance to make a change. As I say this, I am pondering on my own life too, so take heart, you are not alone...