
Sunday, 11 May 2014

Keeping Our Hope in Love

The last month has been an incredibly difficult time for me. I found myself wrapped up in the stresses of life: moving to my new apartment, issues at the office, and being ill - but also hurt, rejection and betrayal from some people in my life which I thought would never happen. Yet through it all, I see the positive in all the craziness. I see the lessons to be learnt and gathered from all life's ups and downs. 

And so, I found myself losing hope in love. Not just romantic love, but even other types of love. Thank goodness the one type of love I will not fail to stop believing in, is that of the love God has for us. It is a love which never ceases, no matter what. And of course the love of my parents, which has demonstrated for me in my own life a kind of comprehension of how God loves us. In a few moments of despair, I found myself gripped and overwhelmed by the clutches of depression and anxiety. Through it all, I have learned some valuable lessons, to trust my instincts, who is always there for me, and who matters most in my life. 

So what do we do when we find ourselves losing hope? If life has taught me anything, it is that everything is temporary. Except for true love, which lasts forever, be it in whichever form. Yet in all of the troubles weighing upon my heart and mind, I found myself void of remembering this. But why does this happen I have been asking myself? 

Perhaps it is the apparent enormity of the issues one faces, the seemingly defeating stresses coming at us at each turn, or maybe the grief we feel at the loss of something or someone in our lives which brings our whole world crashing down all around us. Or so we think. It is easy to let these things overwhelm us and sink into a pit of despair, however it is easy for the person to say that things are not as bad as they seem when they are not in that valley of shadow. 

Something that has always gotten me through is remembering in a positive way that I have made it through so many other awful things, and that through every storm, there is always sunshine after the rain – and a beautiful rainbow! Never forget this, and keep pushing forward until you come out the other end in the warmth of happier, better days. You will make it, and you will be victorious! Things may get worse before they are better, but hang on; and do not lose hope. You are indeed stronger than you think.

I have realised I may not have a lot of good, true friends in my life; but if it weren’t for the many wonderful people I am so blessed with, I am sure my world would’ve been a darker place. The strength and love I have seen in these past dark days through these wonderful people have renewed my hope in love once again. Just because one finds yourself immensely hurt, betrayed or devastated by whatever circumstance befalls you – it may seem like all hope is lost, that you cannot love again, or that you will never trust once more – don't lose hope in love because Love will never give up on you.