Each of us are different and special in our own way. Even
if you think you do not have anything to offer – you in fact do. We all have
our own distinct talents and gifts unique to each person. It is up to us to
develop, use and share them amongst those in our lives. If you are unsure what
you are gifted in, decide today to make a conscious effort to find out.
Similarly, we should also be using what has been given to us, before it is too
late to get the chance to. There is a saying that one of my best friends has:
“Use what Mother Nature has given you before Father Time takes it away.” A wise
saying indeed. But what does this teach us? If anything, there are two things
that stand out for me.
We are never guaranteed on the time we have left in this
life. Should we not utilise our gifts and talents, one day it may be too late when
our life in this world comes to a close. Then it would have all been for
nothing and your abilities wasted. You never know, the helping hand lent to a
friend or stranger could mean anything to them: be it someone finding the
courage to face another day, or being put on the path to their destiny
by providing whatever they need, or inspiring our fellow man by encouraging
those to do the same and make a difference in other people’s lives (especially
when this has to do with helping those in need). There is so much we can do. Also,
once a moment has passed in which you can help someone, you may never have
another again.
Secondly, and I had this discussion with a friend not so
long ago; we need to keep on nurturing, strengthening, developing (not just
maintaining) and improving all we know and are talented with. Just as the
dancer needs to keep practising to make sure they are on top of their game, or
the teacher educating themselves what they need to in order to teach their
students effectively – so we need to do the same with whatever we have. Don’t
be surprised if your passions in life don’t improve, or go nowhere. We need to
keep feeding and growing in these areas, just the same as we need food to grow
and live. Our whole being needs nourishment of all sorts to keep on going, and
keep on growing, Make sure you are not neglecting yourself in any area.
Yes I know what some of you are thinking, specifically
those who know me, I should have in fact been following my own advice! I have
been reminded of this fact several times in the past few months that my passion
for writing, needs attention at least on a more regular basis. Now that all the
stresses and issues have been sorted out in my life; the job search and interviews
done and dusted (a tedious as well as time-consuming task I must add), financial
dramas over, relationship crises concluded a while ago, been there for friends through
whatever has come our way. All major distractions and stress have passed for
now, thankfully. I am now more focused than ever before, I am wiser and stronger.
It is time to remain focusing on my gifts no matter what, as do I hope that you
will focus on yours as well.
Letting anything come in the way of our dreams and goals,
only damages our own lives, but sometimes this can’t be helped. We just need to
keep on making sure we pick ourselves up, dust off and keep moving forward. Standing
still not going anywhere, stagnating or even procrastinating (gosh even I too
am guilty of this), is not where we should be. Find ways to progress, even in
the smallest way, and you will do well.