
Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

Best wishes to and yours, may you be blessed now and throughout the coming year. Praying for love, happiness, success and good things for you all.

Let us remember the less fortunate, the homeless, orphans and lonely souls out there in this time. My thoughts and prayers go out to them, and I just realise all over again how blessed we really are, in so many ways.

Hope it was a marvelous day. Merry Christmas guys!


Friday, 20 December 2013

Look Ahead - Not Backward!

I was sitting here at home just a moment ago, thinking back. Back on the year (and years before) gone by. Wow, so much has happened in just this year, let alone all the others before that. Incredible isn't it, when reminiscing as such, you realise how far you have come?

As we approach Christmas, and then New Year’s Eve after that, a lot of us will find ourselves looking upon our past year and what has led us up to what is right now. I admit; a lot of your and my choices I have made have ended up in disaster. But then I consider to myself, what of all the good choices we have made? As I mentioned the other day, everything happens for a reason! What is done is done. It is behind us, and so now we find ourselves upon the precipice of decision to move on: we are all the wiser, have added knowledge, are even stronger, and more mature. Hopefully, we have learnt from what we endured. If we haven’t, it is best to start now. What better time to do so anyway before the next year dawns upon us?

We needed to go through the trials, the hardships, and even the good times. The retrenchments, breakups, accidents were necessary for our growth. The new jobs and promotions, new romance or friendships, and other things we are blessed with – all very essential for our life’s journey. The bad experiences along with the good are there to teach us. Don’t fall short and lose the lesson which you can learn from what you have been through. Grasp it, analyse how you can use it to your advantage, and learn the lesson (however small) – and grow.

Again contemplating on what was, I turn my thoughts yet again to what is to come. Life is to be travelled forwards, not backwards. Remember that. So look ahead, look to what is now. Look at your future and how you can apply what you have learnt in life. Pick yourself up out of the pit of sorrow, pain, hurt, disappointment, depression – and move on to the next chapter in your life. Things always get better, and awesome days are ahead of you! That is a fact.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Everything Happens for a Reason

Whether you believe it or not, everything does indeed happen for a reason. In the orchestra of life, so much is taking place around us at all times - some of which we are aware of, whilst other things we are totally oblivious to. Through the past few months, I have been reminded of this time and again…

There are many illustrations I could use. One example is perhaps a vehicle driving slow on the road in front of you on your way to work, causing you to be late. We may not realise this, but someone ahead on your path could have jumped the traffic light carelessly; and in another reality, would've collided with you should you have not encountered the slow-moving vehicle. Situations such as these have occurred to me personally, a few times over. In the greater plan for our lives, and what is meant to be, it may not be our time to depart this plane of existence just yet. Rather than getting upset over the incident, let us stop to consider the bigger picture and so, preserve ourselves from frustration and irritation. Just because we do not know it at the time, or why, does not mean there is not a reason for this. There may be a very good reason why certain things happen the way they do!

What about that partner who selfishlessly betrays or cheats on you? Yes indeed, it is mountain of hurt, anger, defeat and emotional pain tumbles down and crushes us. Anyone dreads this. It is the one of the worst stresses we have to endure in our existence here on Earth. This has been something that happened to me not so long ago in my own life. I must say, I did suffer for a time - but I have chosen to look at the lessons to be learnt, how I can potentially grow and strengthen myself, and to consider that (at the very least) that this was not meant to be.

People will also come into your life for various reasons, most of the time unbeknownst to us at that moment, for a reason (to teach us something), a season (to be with us for whatever reason at a particular time in our lives), or a lifetime (these are the true friends, special family members and people who, no matter what, will always be at your side). And so, I have picked myself up out of the dirt and carried on with life, knowing there are bigger and better purposes which God intends for us. The right people come and go into your life, at all the right times. And most times, the wrong people leaving are to make place for exactly the right ones. This is something to look forward to!

I urge all of you to take heart if you are going through trials, it will not last forever and only a period. But most of all, remember that you will come out better than before, if you just choose to take the negative and turn it into a positive. You are worth much more than you know; do not let the stresses of life weigh down on you and crush your hopes and dreams. It will all work out in the end. And God has promised us this, all for our good.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Life: Don't Let it Just Pass You By

I'm sure we have all heard the phrase: "Life is short". Ever stop for a minute to actually consider this? I am not talking about a mere agreement, but a deep understanding of what this implies. Yes, a lot of people use this phrase, especially when a loved one passes away. With all the well-known people that passed away in the recent weeks, this got me thinking again about life - and how brief our existence can be on this earth.

Many are still reeling from the passing of former President Nelson Mandela, boxing champion Jacob "Baby Jake" Matlala, as well as American celebrity Paul Walker. We salute them indeed, and may they rest in peace. We must remember of course, is that there are many out there dying every day, all around us. Sadly, we all go about our lives nonchalantly without realising with all the hustle and bustle of life, that there is more to life.

I too, sometimes find myself a victim of this dreaded mind-set. But often I am reminded of my close shave with death many years ago. After being involved in a horrendous motor accident, and having a near-death experience that altered my life forever, my whole viewpoint on life has changed.  I realised that I had lost focus on how to live, and that we are actually so vulnerable to the elements around us. One minute you are here, the next you are swept away into the next life. Time is precious yes, but so are your partners, family, and friends. Never forget this fact.

Savour each moment as if it is your last! I know this may sound a tad clichΓ©, but really nothing could be further from the truth. Just as I had not an inkling of what was to happen to me that fateful night, so we are not assured of tomorrow, or even the next minute. Treasure what you have, instead of hoping for more. Remember to keep in contact with your loved ones, pay attention to them and their lives, work at your relationships, show appreciation, and leave each other with kind words.  It may be the last time you ever see them again.

Love, peace, joy and blessings to you all. 

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Daydreaming of Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are one of nature’s most captivating creatures and one of my favourite little wonders of this world. Beneath a prickly exterior lies a heart of courage. With the ability to protect itself with a formidable armour of spines, this cute creature can be bold and resilient if necessary! 

Recently, hedgehogs have captured my attention. I have been seeing them everywhere, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a deeper meaning. After spending time in meditation and prayer yesterday, reflecting on stressful and traumatic past events, I realized the symbolism and the meaning of this message I was getting through this brave being.

Suddenly, it dawned on me! These fascinating little animals possess a covering of protection, designed so that their spines are part of who they are (unlike the porcupine, with its easily detachable quills). The message was clear: We need to stay strong and stand firm during trials, to resist defeat. A reminder to harness confidence and motivation in the face of life’s challenges.

These creatures often curl into a ball, standing their ground with unwavering fortitude when confronted by an adversary. This is a powerful lesson for us all. We need to become like the hedgehog, strong and courageous. Our ability to withstand difficulty lies in our determination to stand firm and face our battles head-on. Even though we may feel small and helpless, by persevering and refusing to yield, we will endure almost anything that comes our way. With this spirit, we can conquer any obstacle! 

Often, I find myself lost in thought, pondering life's incredible mysteries and the valuable lessons hidden within. I'm curious about how we can evolve through our experiences, forging strength and building resilience rather than breaking under pressure. I contemplate the profound lessons embedded within our journeys and how we can harness these experiences to learn and grow. This intrinsic nature has become a powerful tool for evolution and insight. 

It's from these daydreams that the inspiration for this blog was born. I hope my experiences and lessons can inspire you to tap into your own inner strength. We’ll explore together how to turn challenges into triumphs and discover the hidden potential within us all.

Let us embrace the hedgehog spirit: a steadfast determination, a capacity for solitude, and an unwavering belief in our ability to overcome.