
Saturday, 14 December 2013

Everything Happens for a Reason

Whether you believe it or not, everything does indeed happen for a reason. In the orchestra of life, so much is taking place around us at all times - some of which we are aware of, whilst other things we are totally oblivious to. Through the past few months, I have been reminded of this time and again…

There are many illustrations I could use. One example is perhaps a vehicle driving slow on the road in front of you on your way to work, causing you to be late. We may not realise this, but someone ahead on your path could have jumped the traffic light carelessly; and in another reality, would've collided with you should you have not encountered the slow-moving vehicle. Situations such as these have occurred to me personally, a few times over. In the greater plan for our lives, and what is meant to be, it may not be our time to depart this plane of existence just yet. Rather than getting upset over the incident, let us stop to consider the bigger picture and so, preserve ourselves from frustration and irritation. Just because we do not know it at the time, or why, does not mean there is not a reason for this. There may be a very good reason why certain things happen the way they do!

What about that partner who selfishlessly betrays or cheats on you? Yes indeed, it is mountain of hurt, anger, defeat and emotional pain tumbles down and crushes us. Anyone dreads this. It is the one of the worst stresses we have to endure in our existence here on Earth. This has been something that happened to me not so long ago in my own life. I must say, I did suffer for a time - but I have chosen to look at the lessons to be learnt, how I can potentially grow and strengthen myself, and to consider that (at the very least) that this was not meant to be.

People will also come into your life for various reasons, most of the time unbeknownst to us at that moment, for a reason (to teach us something), a season (to be with us for whatever reason at a particular time in our lives), or a lifetime (these are the true friends, special family members and people who, no matter what, will always be at your side). And so, I have picked myself up out of the dirt and carried on with life, knowing there are bigger and better purposes which God intends for us. The right people come and go into your life, at all the right times. And most times, the wrong people leaving are to make place for exactly the right ones. This is something to look forward to!

I urge all of you to take heart if you are going through trials, it will not last forever and only a period. But most of all, remember that you will come out better than before, if you just choose to take the negative and turn it into a positive. You are worth much more than you know; do not let the stresses of life weigh down on you and crush your hopes and dreams. It will all work out in the end. And God has promised us this, all for our good.

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